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HustleTV DJ Hustle El Barrio Magazine

#wtw El Barrio Magazine @BarrioMagazine Holds The Mic And Ask HustleTV @DJHustle All The Questions They Flipped It.

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EBMAG : what’s going on DJ Hustle, Maaan it has been a while since we have spoke. Fill us in on the missing details lol?

DJ Hustle: Yes, it’s been awhile. Great to hear from you. Business has been a blessing. I’ve been spinning in clubs and parties, corporate events has been picking up as well. I’ve dedicated lots of my time to interviewing on the red carpet. We’re building up HustleTV to reach out beyond the local scene and onto the Hollywood market. Speaking of Hollywood, I recently filmed a feature movie, titled Doubting Thomas. I’m looking forward to seeing the final product on the big screen.

EBMAG: How did you get started as a DJ to having one of the top leading radio what’s the formula?

DJ Hustle: I started on my mom’s 45s, scratching on Al Greene’s Love and Happiness. She wasn’t too happy about that to say the least. She wasn’t too happy about sneaking out to see Dr. Dre and the Wrecking Crew either, but I loved my music and had to see it LIVE. Ever since then, music is best friend.

EBMAG: Now Hustle TV has been a great success for you. How did Hustle TV get started and why?

DJ Hustle: I was always in touch with the local neighborhood talent. I would DJ for them, while they performed in local clubs and venues. I wanted to give our homegrown talent a voice. We didn’t get much attention for many reasons, so I thought why not create an avenue for us. Eventually, the local talent I supported, supported me in return. Eventually HustleTV gained attention, so now we go from the Hood to Hollywood.

EBMAG: So far DJ Hustle what do you have planned for 2016 any projects ?

DJ Hustle : Yes, I’ve been blessed as soon as 2016 kicked off. Right now 2016 is pointing me in the direction to more acting roles. I have thankfully built a foundation of good relationships with several very talented industry professionals. They have reached out to me to be a part of several projects that I’m definitely excited about. I can’t share too many details, but I can say I will be doing more hosting and producing projects.

EBMAG: Who all have you worked with so far ?

DJ Hustle: I have to tell you, every person I interview, every event I DJ, and every commercial or media that I am a part of is a blessing. I’ve worked with Justin Bieber, Manny Pacquiao, Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross, Meghan Good, Selena Gomez, Howie Long, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Masika Kalisha, Teddy Riley, DJ Quik, DJ Mustard, Eric Bellinger, Kid Ink, The Game, Big Boy from TheReal92.3, Tito Ortiz Bellator, David Arquette and there’s more. Looking back at those names, I’m very thankful.

EBMAG: DJ Hustle how long have you been in television? And what is it about television that drives you to televise exclusive and exciting media?

DJ Hustle: I’ve been a SAG actor for years now. As for exclusive content, my intention is to bring real and honest information to people. I’m not interested in spreading the drama or conflict that can be found throughout the web. Since I’m an entertainer, I see both sides of the coin. Obviously we all have feelings, and we all want to be represented accurately. So, I make sure that my content comes from a honest place.

EBMAG: What else would you like to achieve in your life DJ Hustle?

DJ Hustle: Personally I set goals for myself. Some small ones and some extremely reaching for the moon ones. But each step of the way, I love the journey. Of course I want to improve and continue to evolve, but I don’t really have a finish line because I always want more.

EBMAG: Are you involved with indie and or mainstream artists dealing with music or television ?

DJ Hustle: I don’t have a preference. I like music, any music really. I recently went to the Western Caribbean. I was introduced to their culture and music, their beats, their instruments, I was so fascinated. Being a DJ, I appreciate it all. What I do find entertaining is blending and mixing music from different genres and my audience can’t tell the difference.

EBMAG: Can you share with us who and what made your experience a success with them?

DJ Hustle: My favorite story is my good friend, Emcee N.I.C.E. We’ve worked together on mixed tapes for years. You can currently find his music on the Billboards. He also has a cartoon called Da Jammies on Netflix. It’s an animated cartoon, you should check it out! He’s a really talented artist.

EBMAG: What type of topics do you talk about on Hustle TV?

DJ Hustle: HustleTV allows artists, new and established to speak directly to their fans.

EBMAG: How do people or artists get on Hustle TV for interviews?

DJ Hustle: People get on HustleTV many ways. The best was is to go and contact me directly.

EBMAG: Throughout your career, what was your great milestone you could remember and did you overcome it?

DJ Hustle: My milestone would be on the Diet Pepsi SuperBowl Commercial. I played a DJ and was on one of the biggest and highest priced commercial features of the year. Only during the SuperBowl does anyone really pay attention to the commercials. To be a part of that was amazing! To my surprise, I did another SuperBowl Commercial for CoorsLight. Back to back SuperBowl Commercials was a huge blessing!

EBMAG: If you can remember What was your top paying dee jay job when you got hired ? For whom?

DJ Hustle: I would have to say the Diet Pepsi SuperBowl Commercial.

EBMAG: Are you involved with mixtape hosting? And if so who mixtape have you hosted for and what was the name of the projects?

DJ Hustle: Every Friday for the past 2 years, I dedicated my mixtape time to post my mixes on It was called Hustle Nation. So that would be making 104 mixes.

EBMAG: So DJ Hustle who’s your favorite football team?

DJ Hustle: I’m Pittsburgh Steeler fan. But I am excited that NFL is bringing the Rams back to Los Angeles. Go Rams!

EBMAG: Super Bowl 50 is coming up are you excited to see Denver back in light ? DJ Hustle: I’m excited to see Peyton Manning and Cam Newton go at it.

EBMAG: DJ Hustle it was great to have you here with us. Do you have any last words you would like to say?

DJ Hustle: Thank you very much for your support. Log on to for exclusive interviews. Take Care and God Bless.

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