Is prostitution the next thing to do on Claudia Jordan’s list? I thinks so, because sources say the 41-year-old fame whore is taking trips to Dubai with her Indian girlfriend, Nilanti Narain, who’s said to be a Hollywood call girl. Things have spun out of control for Claudia, with the foreclosure of her home and practically begging her followers on Twitter to “donate” money to some random very lowbrow internet radio show so she could gain an income. I guess being fired from Foxxhole Radio wasnt the bottom for her. Here we have some freshly leaked pictures of Claudia turning up the corner store favorite Grey Goose. Come on Claudia, everyone knows Ciroc is the Vodka of choice, no one is drinking the pee pee!!!! (Diddy is laughing right now) And too top it off a picture from what 1 source is calling a “sex party” for mid level escorts, and another is calling a 40 and over good time function. Either way its not the best look for the crashing D lister….
Partial source credit: DHSK